

Beauty19th Aug 2022

Skincare Tips for Dry Skin

There are simple steps you can take to keep your skin hydrated and glowy this season; check them out below:


1- Don’t use hot water

The number one enemy of dry skin? Hot water. Instead of turning the temperature up too high, wash your face with lukewarm water instead. Super hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, which can cause it to feel even drier.


2- Exfoliate weekly

Built-up dead skin cells can cause your skin to look dull - we know you don’t want that! To help with the buildup, incorporate a good exfoliator to your skincare routine. Pay attention to how your skin responds to help you determine how often you should be exfoliating (no more than twice a week though).


3- Apply moisturizer to damp skin

Listen closely, this is important. After cleansing your face or hopping out of the shower, don’t towel off. Why? Because the best time to apply moisturizer is while your skin is still damp. Try it out and instantly feel the difference it makes.


4- Oils are your friend

Lotions and creams are great, but oils are better when you have a dry skin type. Face oils not only moisturize your skin, they also help reduce wrinkles, calm rashes, and are great for protecting your skin.


5- Don’t forget your lips

Your face isn’t the only surface that can get dry, your lips can too. Take some time to care for your lips as you do the rest of your face by getting them a little treat: lip balm! Want to go the extra mile? Try out lip exfoliators, they do wonders.


6- Use makeup formulated for dry skin

Just like skincare products, there are makeup products that specifically cater to dry skin types. When possible, opt for makeup formulated for your skin. This will make application so much easier, and the end result that much better!


7- Add moisture into the air

One of the best tips we can give? Invest in a humidifier. Putting moisture back into your home’s (and office’s) air is a great way to prevent extreme dry skin. No use in putting in so much work if your environment’s only going to ruin everything, right?



We’ve also put together some helpful tips for oily skin, check them out here.

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