

Fashion3rd Sep 2022

How to Elevate Your Personal Style

You may have already set some amazing spiritual, emotional, and physical goals for the year; we’re here to help you on the latter with tips and how to’s on leveling-up your personal style! Intrigued? Read on to be a step closer to a more stylish you.


1- Know your style

Before you can improve on anything, you must first already know what you like and the style that works best for your aesthetic. When you like what you’re in, you’ll be more confident - and trust us, confidence shines through. Simple enough, right?


2- Gather the basics

Basics are important before evolving your overall look. With the proper foundation, it’ll be easier to distinguish how to add your personal twist to any outfit. So, before going all out, make sure your favorite jeans and LBD are in check.


3- Stay well groomed

What’s the point of being well dressed if you’re not well groomed? Might as well stay home. Before heading out the door, check the smallest of details (because none is too small) from your nails, your hairstyle, to that unironed trouser you threw on.


4- Revisit old trends

If and when it works for you, don’t be afraid to pull off those 90s bell bottom jeans, because the biggest secret to elevating your style once and for all is not paying all your attention to current trends; they don’t and shouldn’t rule your personal style.


5- Be sure to accessorize

Last but definitely not least, add accessories to complete your final look. They don’t have to be the focus of your outfit, because it turns out that what they say is true: less is more.

This statement is backed-up by great advice from Coco Chanel: “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.”

For clothing pieces that are sure to help you look your best, click here.

Happy shopping, VogaCloset babes!

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