

Lifestyle27th Mar 2022

7 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Ramadan

The countdown to the most holy month of the year for Muslims everywhere is getting shorter and shorter - and since Ramadan is a time for fasting, giving, and letting go of the bad habits you might have fallen into, we at VogaCloset thought it would be a great idea to share a few ways to prepare yourself to do and be your very best this Ramadan.


1- Fast Voluntarily Before Ramadan

Before Ramadan hits, it’s a good idea to start fasting - even if you don’t have missed days to make up for. Doing so will most definitely be a great practice to help you transition into fasting from sunrise to sunset (because who needs a sudden shock?).


2- Create a Ramadan Plan

We don’t know about you, but for us at VogaCloset, planning sparks joy! It creates a feeling of excitement of what’s to come, and what we’ll be doing. So, why not do that this Ramadan? Make a plan for every day: what good deed you’ll be doing, what you’ll be having (and wearing) for iftar, or even what you’ll be doing all night long with family and friends!  


3- Prepare Your Body

Although fasting is known to deliver some awesome health benefits, it does take a toll on those who don’t practice the act religiously. This is exactly why you have to prepare your body for the month of Ramadan. If you haven’t started a workout routine you love and eating a healthy, balanced diet just yet, now is the perfect time to start. Get your body nourished, strong, and ready!


4- Prepare Your Mind

Ever heard of “Easier said than done”? That’s pretty much how you’ll feel if you don’t start strengthening your mind and feeding it with the knowledge and motivation it needs to get you through Ramadan. The good thing is, there are so many ways to do this. You can read religious books, you can start following motivational people online, and of course, surround yourself - physically or virtually - with people who positively affect your way of thinking.


5- Prepare Spiritually 

If you’re fasting in Ramadan, you’re most likely doing it for spiritual reasons - to get closer to God, to get closer to your community, and to get closer to yourself. Aside from the obvious abstinence from food and drink, Muslims all over are also required to make use of the holy month to help out those in need and instill within them positive behaviors and characteristics. Decide on how you want to make yourself better now and do small things every day that help put the bigger picture together.


6- Say Goodbye to Bad Habits

Dare us to share another great benefit of Ramadan? Well that it encourages everyone to get rid of bad habits, of course - the most common being smoking cigarettes or shisha. Since you will be forced to leave this habit for most of the day, why don’t you start now and make it easier on yourself? Better yet, say ‘good riddance’  once and for all. 


7- Start Changing Your Sleep Patterns

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, it’s about that time to set a Ramadan sleep schedule (another reason why you should create a Ramadan plan) based on your lifestyle. We all know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, and the month of Ramadan is not the time to start slacking - you’ll need all the energy!


With these 7 steps, we’re sure you won’t just be prepared, but excited as well to jump into Ramadan with your best self.

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