

Beauty18th Apr 2022

How To Layer Skincare Products The Right Way

There are a million skincare regimens out there that tell us what products to use for specific skin problems and types. This is somewhat one of them. Today, we at VogaCloset are sharing with you the proper way to layer all the skincare products you’ve purchased - enhancing their efficacy. So, if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what comes first?’ while going through your morning or night skincare routine, then keep reading!


Why Order Matters

According to skincare experts, the order in which you apply your skincare products directly impacts its effectiveness. Applying products in the proper order ensures that your skin receives the full benefits of each and every product. This is based on a number of factors which include texture, product base, and PH levels.



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Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Makeup Remover (P.M.)

Especially important on heavy makeup days, makeup removers are great to gently and fully remove all the makeup you’ve had on your face all day. This step will make cleansing - step 2 - a whole lot easier.

makeup removers


Step 2: Cleanser (A.M. & P.M.)

For your skin to fully absorb any of the products in the following steps, you need a nice clean oil-free base. Keep your skin type in mind when purchasing a cleanser!



Step 3: Toner (A.M. & P.M.)

Toners are the primers of skincare products; and just like makeup, if you want ingredients to do its job and stick around, it’s recommended that you do not skip this crucial step.



Step 4: Serums (A.M. & P.M.)

Dubbed as the heavy lifters of your skincare routine, serums are magical bottles of concentrated nutrients, hydrators, and antioxidants that your skin will truly love and thank you for later. If you’re keeping a few just sitting on your dresser, please use them now that you know how to.


Step 5: Eye Cream (A.M. & P.M.)

An important rule of skincare product application is to use thinner products first; since eye creams are generally lighter than moisturizers, they won’t be able to penetrate through the thicker product if applied after. 

eye creams


Step 6: Spot Treatments (A.M. & P.M.)

Whether you’re treating dark spots, scars, or pimples, it’s best to apply spot treatments before your moisturizer - we don’t want to have to make them work harder by adding a barrier between them and your beautiful skin!

spot treatments


Step 7: Moisturizer (A.M. & P.M.)

Moisturizers are important. You’ve probably heard that more than a few times. That’s because they really, really are. Once you’ve picked up a suitable moisturizer for your skin type, use it to lock-in the previous products you’ve applied - there’s no escaping now!



Step 8: Face Oil (A.M. & P.M.)

If you’re like us and love face oils, remember this: always apply face oils last. Why? Not only do they add extra hydration to your face, they also keep products from evaporating quickly. Plus, because of its thick consistency, most products won’t be able to penetrate through them.

face oils


Step 9: SPF (A.M.)

The final step in your morning skincare routine is sunscreen. Think of it as a shield that protects your face and all the hard work you’ve just put into it from sun damage. Dermatologists recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks 97% of the sun's UVB rays.



Neglecting your skin should never be an option. Shop our selection of skincare products here.

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