

Beauty21st Jan 2023

5 Things You Shouldn't be Doing to Your Skin

Caring for one’s skin has long been on the top of everyone’s must-do lists. Many of us have gone above and beyond to treat skin issues - from homemade face masks, skincare treatments, to taking vitamins to support our skin’s health. You’ve probably gone through a little too many blogs telling you how to care for your delicate skin, but we bet you rarely wonder what you shouldn’t be doing; enter VogaCloset. Here are 5 common mistakes people make when it comes to skincare. If you’re one of the people making one, two, or all of these skincare no-nos, now is the time to stop!


1- Never pick at your skin

Picking at pimples, blackheads, or whatever growth you have on your skin can surely be tempting (we’re positive most of us have done it); but this is a total skincare no-no! The constant picking can not only lead to scarring and pigmentation, it can also cause infections. 


2- Never use expired products

Like products we orally digest, skincare products should never EVER be used past their expiration date. There’s a reason why the date is there; because although the products might look or smell the same, there’s a chance that the active ingredients have begun to degrade. 


3- Never use too much soap

Too much of anything is bad - we know you’ve heard this one before. By using too much soap - or any product for that matter - you’re stripping your skin of it’s natural components, increasing the chances of infection and skin issues or flare ups (the thing you wanted to avoid by using too much soap in the first place).


4- Never ignore a new or changing mole

You probably already know this, but new or changing moles on the skin are not to be taken lightly. If what you thought was a pimple or any other skin blemish won’t heal or fade, or you suspect that the color or size of an existing mole has changed, don’t hesitate to see a dermatologist immediately.


5- Never DIY high-level treatments

Even we love a DIY oatmeal mask at home - but that’s not what we’re talking about here. If you’ve ever tried DIYing a treatment that requires prescription or should be done by a professional, that’s when you’ve crossed a line. Rubbing honey on your face? No problem. Mixing acids and bases to make your own serum? Please see a dermatologist instead.

To shop skin-loving products to adore, click right here.

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